Part 5: The Nest Recap
Previously on Myth III
Connacht led a group of warriors into the Dire Marsh, found a nest of Myrkridia and killed many of the creatures inside, including a Myrkridian Giant.
The Myrkridia outside the entrance to the nest walked right up to my units and didn't notice. The AI of these Myrkridia told them to wander about at random within a certain area - and I'm pretty sure this AI script is buggy. There's a really good example of buggy wandering AI much later in the game that really shows this off.
Pour a 40 on the curb for poor, chunky and exploded Kenneth. You were a good friend, and will be missed.

The game film. Remember to download the image and open the image with winrar to find a filmy present inside.

Losing the Berserk at literally the last second is a tad annoying, but this was an otherwise excellent result for a very difficult level. I'm fairly certain this was the last time we'll ever get to control villagers and Hearth Guardsmen, so everyone who requested one of these units be named after them has had their request changed to "general use" and "archer" respectively.

On my first attempt the Giant didn't throw the exploding skull at Kenneth and things kept going downhill from there. Plus new bugs in the failure video below!


Giants pack a devastating first punch with their exploding skulls. It can be dodged, you can sacrifice a unit, or better yet, sacrifice a friendly unit surrounded by enemies to the skull. After that, it's simply a matter of surrounding the giant with everything you have and taking it down. Considering it's as big as a Trow, it goes down much easier than you'd expect.
The colossal Myrkridian Giants can reach the size of Trow, and are almost as strong. Few things can inspire raw fear more than the sight of one of these titans clawing its way through an army. Myrkridian Giants appears to be smarter than their smaller cousins, but are just as fierce. Carried with them are skulls, presumably enchanted by the sorcerous Pack-Mages. These skulls can be thrown by the giant, exploding with magical energies on impact. The giants use these to soften up and confuse groups of foes before moving in for the kill.
"In more than one telling of the story, the titanic beast that had laid siege to the village of Roghorst was said to have the visage of a Myrkridian Devil and stand the size of a Trow The Hearthguard of the village were said to have fled when they saw their captain torn in twain between the beast's great claws…"
"Although clever by most standards, it is doubtful that the giants among the Myrkridia construct the skull-woven belts that they often wear. It is also unlikely that the volatile enchantments placed upon the skulls are performed by the same lumbering beasts. It is speculated that pack-mages create these charms to bolster the destructive might of their giant brethren…"
Next time on Myth III
Emperor Leitrim of the Cath Bruig has taken an interest in the success of Connacht's battles with the Myrkridia. He orders Connacht undertake a Journey to Llancarfan to meet with him personally. To ensure his safety, he orders the Captain of the Heron Guard, Damas, to escort Connacht to Llancarfan.